Laura Gallardo
Professor of Universidad de Chile and Director of the Center for Science of Climate and Resilience (CR2)
Associate Professor in the Department of Geophysics (DGF) of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile and Director of the Center for Science of Climate and Resilience (CR2). She obtained a PhD in Chemical Meteorology from the University of Stockholm (1996) under the guidance of the leading expert in meteorological phenomena at the University of Stockholm, Henning Rodhe. She returned to Chile in 1997 and worked as an expert advisor in the National Environment Commission (CONAMA) between 1997 and 2001, leading the first modelling studies on a regional scale, with emphasis on the dispersion of oxidized sulphur from copper smelters. Then, she worked as an associate researcher at the Mathematical Modelling Center of the University of Chile.
Her lines of research are atmospheric modelling and data assimilation, air quality in mega cities and short half-life pollutants. At the University of Chile, he teaches courses on atmospheric chemistry, global change modelling, inverse modelling and atmospheric sciences.