"> Mariela Rodríguez – Gender Summit 12

Mariela Rodríguez

Mariela Rodríguez

Graduate in Social Work and licenciate from the Pontifical Catholic University of Perú


Graduate in Social Work, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru with extensive experience in the design, implementation, systematization and evaluation of strategies for incorporating the gender approach in socio-economic development projects and adaptation to climate change. She has advised the development of gender analysis and action plans for various public and private institutions in the country. She has also developed capacity-building programs in gender aspects for women and men in social, business and government organizations. In the last three years, she has worked as a gender specialist in the Project for Adaptation and Resilience (Project FOR Water) that seeks to generate policies for management in three watersheds of Peru in the context of climate change. She has worked in projects of the Mountain Institute in Ancash and in the Páramos de Piura, with women authorities and communities who implement strategies to adapt to climate change.
